TV, Film, Media & Broadcasting

Leading specialists in a changing world

This is the core of entertainment, but now goes beyond the traditional areas of Film and TV into an ever-widening range of areas – including telecoms, technology, digital and internet based media. While this changing landscape gives new and exciting avenues for broadcasting content, and enormous opportunities for growth, it comes with more significant legal issues and risks. TV, Film,

Media and Broadcasting is a team game that requires a variety of people working together. We’re excited to be part of this team. The key focus of our services ranges from the content creators, such as the writers, actors and producers, to all the teams behind the scenes,  crew, post-production and special FX, distributors and exhibitors, to the financiers, banks and investors, regulators and funders.

TV, Film, Media and Broadcasting is a team game that requires a variety of people working together.

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